Friday, June 22

Andy Warhol, Sordid Affairs within the Art Community and Absolutely Astonishing Information

Personally, pop art has never appealed to me, and the revised definitions of avant-garde stemming from that period are dubious to say the least. I do acknowledge the significance of Rauschenberg, Lichtenstein and others, but nevertheless, my opinion remains. Naturally, I should address Andy Warhol if I am to discuss pop art as a movement, mass production of art as an ideal, artistic license as a questionable concept and/or a fleeting memory, etcetera.

These series of videos are a BBC documentary called Imagine: Andy Warhol Denied. I found the documentary not only shocking and very informative, but rather now I have some further evidence to support my disdain of Andy Warhol, the pop art movement, and the whole idea of appealing to a mass audience of gaping fools, or what is now commonly referred to as popular culture. Perhaps your interpretation of the documentary will slightly differ from my own…


part I

part II

part III

part IV

part V

part VI

part VII

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